We are a husband and wife team that have been married for almost 44 years. We were beginning our tenth year in 2020 selling ice cream at fairs and festivals in Texas when Covid-19 halted all festivals. Since retiring from our life-long careers and ‘re-careering’ into the food vendor world we have had so much fun meeting and seeing new places in Texas. We purchased and took possession of a soft serve ice cream concession trailer in early April 2011 and went to our first event in Georgetown, TX that next weekend! Our first event for 2020, the Houston Rodeo, was cut short due to COVID-19, And the rest they say IS history. This global pandemic halted so many things that we loved and took for granted. We pray that small businesses and families survived this financial hardship. God Bless you all!
Thankfully in 2022 we had returned to some normalcy. We had a great 2021 after such a crazy and scary 2020.
2022 was an amazing year and things seem much more back to normal. 2023 was awesome as well!
Our main goal at this point is to stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay safe for you.
Take care everyone!